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St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

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St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

Year 5 Autumn 2024

Autumn 2

This half term our topic is 'Iceland - the Land of Fire and Ice.' We will be exploring the following questions:

Where is Iceland?

How does Iceland compare to the UK?

Why is Iceland known as the Land of Fire?

Why is Iceland known as the Land of Ice?

What is the structure of a volcano?

Where are volcanoes found?

What are the different types of volcanoes?

What happens when a volcano erupts?

What would it be like to live near a volcano?

Sewing Christmas waistcoats for our soft toys

Remembrance - Cenotaph visit

Leading Collective Worship - The story of Ruth

Thursday church service

The Nowhere Emporium - Freeze framing scenes from a chapter

Autumn 1


This half term our topic is 'The Unsinkable Ship.' We will explore the events of the Titanic, look at where it was constructed, what its planned route was, explore what life was like on board and look at the different theories about who was to blame. As part of our English we will write poems based on the Titanic, write newspaper reports about the events and also write a discussion text about whether we would choose a cruise for our next holiday. 

Child and family wellbeing - feelings and emotions

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