SATS Results
Y6 SATS 2024
Year 6 KS2 Results
| Expected Standard and above | working at a greater depth within the expected standard | Scaled Score (national average = 100) | Progress |
Reading | 67% | 17 % | 104.5 | No progress report as this cohort did not do KS1 Sats |
Writing | 83% | 17% | teacher assessment |
Maths | 73% | 20% | 104 |
GPS (Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling) | 67% | 3% | 104.9 | |
Overall Performance for reading, writing and maths | 60% achieved the expected standard with 3.3% achieving a high score (compared to 59% Lancashire average) |
Y6 SATS 2023
Year 6 KS2 Results
| Expected Standard and above | working at a greater depth within the expected standard | Scaled Score (national average = 100) | Progress |
Reading | 83% | 17% | 105 | -0.7 not significantly different to national average |
Writing | 73% | 17% | teacher assessment | 0.5 not significantly different to national average |
Maths | 69% | 7% | 103 | -2,3 not significantly different to national average |
GPS (Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling) | 65% | 10% | 102 | n/a |
Overall Performance for reading, writing and maths | 62% achieved the expected standard with 3% achieving a high score (compared to 57% Lancashire average) |
Y6 SATS 2022
Year 6 KS2 Results
| Expected Standard and above | working at a greater depth within the expected standard | Scaled Score (national average = 100) | Progress |
Reading | 70% | 7% | 104 | -2 not significantly different to national average |
Writing | 78% | 19% | teacher assessment | 1.6 not significantly different to national average |
Maths | 70% | 18% | 104 | 0.5 not significantly different to national average |
GPS (Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling) | 78% | 22% | 105 | n/a |
Overall Performance for reading, writing and maths | 63% achieved the expected standard with 4% achieving a high score (compared to 56% Lancashire average) |
2019 Results-The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.
Year 6 KS2 Results | Expected Standard and above | working at a greater depth within the expected standard | Scaled Score (national average = 100) | Progress |
Reading | 59% | 7% | 101 | -4 |
Writing | 70% | 18% | teacher assessment | -2.6 |
Maths | 75% | 18% | 103 | -2.6 |
GPS (Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling) | 65% | 14% | 102 | n/a |
Overall Performance for reading, writing and maths | 57 % achieved the expected standard with 4% achieving a high score (compared to 65% Lancashire average) |