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St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

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St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

Spirituality Days

Path of Tradition - we looked at the traditional ways of expressing the Christian faith through The Word of God, Prayer, Symbols and Ceremonies through the year.

Our Pathways to Spirituality

Path of Nature - we used our senses to explore the world around us, reflecting on our experiences and giving thanks to God

Path of Courage - We learnt about standing up for what is just and fair, about having a voice and courage. We learnt that we can practise courage and justice everyday, not just following the rules but honouring the spiritual truth that every person deserves kindness and respect

Path of Caregiving- We learned the skill of peer massage, made 'tokens' of care for our family and made cards for people in hospital.

Path to Celebration- To celebrate God and life through singing, dancing, shouting and drama.

Path of Sensates - On this path, we learnt about being thankful for the use of our senses to explore sight, sound, smell and touch. We listened to birdsong and different classical music to help focus of sense of calm.

The Path of Thinking - In the path of thinking we had a look at a poem called 'Footprints in the Sand'. We had a think of what the poem was about and how it made us feel. We wrote down our thoughts and feelings about the poem. We listened to some music and had some thinking time while colouring some mindful pictures.

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