Spring 2
This half term, we will be travelling back in time to the inspiring times of Florence Nightingale. We will find out why she was called, ‘The Lady of the Lamp’ and find out what legacy she left behind for nursing today. In English, we will be looking at traditional tales with a twist and classic poetry. In our art learning, we will create various paintings of Florence Nightingale that uses a range of techniques, scale and brush sizes. We will look at various questioning within our computing unit on Purple Mash and continue with our recorder lessons with Mrs Chandler for music. In science, we will continue our unit on living things and their habitat and look forward to our visit to The Wild Boar park to tie all our science learning over our time in year 2 so far.
Week 6
Wow, we can’t believe that another term is over! It’s definitely been packed full of different learning experiences and hopefully the children can tell you about what they have learnt. We finished off the half term with our class worship, which was based on the Easter symbol of an egg and why it is important in Christian faith. We visited church on the following day of our own worship and then finished off the Easter story with Mrs Atkins in our RE learning when we returned...therefore, we are experts on the Easter story! All the adults in class wish you and your families a wonderful Easter break and look forward to a great Summer term when we return to school.
Week 6 learning
Recital of own poems based on The Owl and the Pussy-cat by Edward Lear

























Our very wild day at the Bowland Wild Boar Park!
Week 4

British values workshop based on tolerance with Accrington Stanley
Red Nose Day

Week 3 Florence Nightingale Scutari Hospital and British Hospital: How did Florence help the soldiers?

Week 3 Binary trees in computing
Week 2 learning
Science-sorting into habitats

World Book Day
Questioning unit in ICT: Yes/No questions about avatars in Purple Mash
Week 1: Who’s been in our classroom?

Can you help us figure out who’s been into our classroom? We arrived at school to find our reading area untidy and someone, or something had been in there! Then we had a mysterious note appear that informed us that Fairytale land library had also been targeted...we spotted the same clues in our classroom but had to make our own Wanted posters to see if other children and classes could help us.
Our special visitor- Florence Nightingale

We had a special visitor from the past and we had lots of great questions to ask them. Our new history unit will look at Florence Nightingale and then we also had a special note from her, the following day. She also left us an artefact to look at and figure out how it was used in the past. We also looked at an image of Florence to start our new art unit based on painting skills.
Our class song for odd and even numbers

Some of our learning in computing, based on the types of homes we live in
The 5 and 10 times tables, painting focus in art and PSHE
Hot seating as ‘Wolf’

Science Choice Chamber for woodlice