School Uniform Policy
Grey or black pants/school uniform shorts (required)
Tartan skirt or pinafore dress (required)
Red checked dress with white socks (Summer Term optional uniform)
Red polo shirt (with or without school logo - required)
Black sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without school logo - required)
White socks/black plain socks under trousers/red/grey/black tights
Black school shoes (not trainers) We ask that shoes without laces are worn where possible, particularly in the infants. If children travel to school in boots/trainers we ask that they change into school shoes inside or wear black pe pumps
PE – Black shorts (no skorts), plain white t.shirt, black pumps (no laces) required
School book bag is required for children up to Year 5 and children are provided with their first one as a gift from School Friends’ Club.
Children in years 5 and 6 can bring a small bag instead of a book bag if they take responsibility for ensuring all items are in class as needed.
The only jewellery allowed is a sensible wrist-watch (no Apple watches etc) and one/pair of small, plain, gold or silver stud earrings which have to be removed for PE. If children are having ears pierced, please only do this in summer holidays as children cannot take part in PE with earrings in and we are unable to cover with tape.
Nail polish should not be worn for school and children should not have transfer tattoos anywhere visible during school time. We do make an exception for this in the days immediately after school discos as these are usually near holidays.
Hairstyles should be sensible and appropriate for school with natural hair colour and no tramlines or patterns. (Please save any unusual styles for summer holidays) All long hair needs to be tied back. Plain headbands can be worn, however, other fashion accessories such as large bows, braids etc should not be worn.
Local Store
Uniform with logos can be bought from Grays Schoolwear (Blackburn), Whittakers or Abbey Street . Items such as polo shirts and jumpers/cardigans without the school logo and he plain black or grey pants/shorts can also be bought in most local supermarkets.
We have a stock of 'new to you' items of uniform in the entrance to school and parents are welcome to take items from the cabinet as needed. If your child grows out of any uniform and it is still in good condition, we would be most grateful if you could send it into school.
Free new to you uniform is also available from shops in Accrington and they would be most grateful of any items you have finished with to stock up their supplies. Items can be dropped off at any of the shops listed below:
Heritage, Arndale Centre, Accrington BB5 1EX
Heritage, 1 Whalley Road, Accrington BB5 1AD
Heritage, 5 Abbey St, Accrington BB5 1EN
Heritage School Uniform Shop, Arndale Centre, Accrington BB5 1EX