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St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

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St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love


End of year service with Y6 sharing memories of school

Year 1 Worship - Paul said 'Do all things without grumbling or disputing'

Year2 Worship:St. Peter and hope

Who did Jesus say he was? Jesus said 'I am the Good Shepherd.'

Jesus said that God looks for me like that:

searching high and low

never letting go

making sure I know

that I'm so very, very special.

Easter Service in church

Welcome to Fr Victor Sohail

It was to welcome Fr Victor into school and to hear all about his life and where he is from in Pakistan. Thank you to Fr Victor and Fr Eddie for leading our worship.

Year 2 Worship: the story of Ruth

Year 6 worship for Remembrance Day

Year 1 Worship - The Parable of the Sower and the Seed

Year 2 Worship: The Parable of the Wealthy man

Year 3 Worship - Love

Harvest Service

It was lovely to gather as a whole school to give thanks to God for our wonderful harvest. Thanks to families for donating items for church food bank as this will help out those in need.


Year 1 were very confident as they spoke about all the vegetables they had harvested at the start of the year and it was wonderful to present Mr Lowe with a card to say 'thankyou for helping us plant the seeds when we were in Reception'

Wonderful to see so many of our current and last year's Year 6 being Confirmed by Bishop Philip. Year 6 can now look forward to receiving holy communion when we attend church with school.

Bishop Phillip leads Collective Worship

Year 3 children leading us in Worship about St Paul

Reception children lead us in a Worship about Ascension

The road to Emmaus

The Widow's coins

Year 5 led us beautifully in Worship and told us the story of The Widow's Coins. We looked at lots of wonderful people who help others such as charities and reflected on those helping with the efforts in Ukraine, Turkey and Syria. We understood that help that might seem tiny to one person might be a huge help to someone else such as lending an an ear or offering help with our work. 

Ash Wednesday

Today we welcomed ArchDeacon David Picken into school to lead us in worship. We enjoyed thinking about qualities we look for in our friends just as Jesus did when he chose his friends. Members of the Ethos Group then enjoyed showing David around school and telling him about life at St Peter and Paul's. 

It was wonderful to welcome Lisa Fenton, from Blackburn Diocese, back into our school to lead us in worship this morning. As it was snowing outside, we reflected on the wonderful things that God has created just for us! We explored how just as every snowflake is unique, we too are all unique and special and are all loved by God. 

Year 5 - Jesus heals blind Bartimeus

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