Ethos Group
We enjoy being involved in the Religious Education and Worship life of our school.
We particularly enjoy:
- Planning and delivering Collective Worship.
- Evaluating Collective Worship.
- Meeting with teachers and governors.
- Welcoming visitors to the school and showing them around.
- Promoting our school vision and values.
- Representing our school at different venues and events.
- Creating a distinctively Christian environment around school.
- Helping out at the church Community Cafe
Planning and leading the Christmas Carol Service

World Kindness Day
As part of our Worship series 'The Word,' where we explored Deuteronomy 10:12 and looked at ways in which we can serve God, Ethos Group set the school a challenge to mark World Kindness Day. The children had to do one thing to be kind and make someone smile. Here are some of the wonderful things our children spoke of doing:
- Helping clean up at home
- Getting out my own toothbrush and toothpaste
- Giving some of my teddies to charity
- Making breakfast for my family
- Helping my mum make dinner
- Sharing my crisps
- Tidying my bedroom without being asked
- Checking on the Reception children
- Feeding my pets
- Making people laugh
- Opening doors for people
- Doing jobs at home
- Reminding people to be nice to each other
- Tidying away my toys
- Making a picture and letter for my teacher
- Helped my teacher tidy up
- Helped my friend
- Making my own tea
- Looking after my nephew so my sister could have a short break