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St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

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School Logo

St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

School Friends' Club (SFC)

Friends Club

The Friends Club is a small group of volunteer friends and supporters of the school, including parents past and present, teachers and members of the local community. The club’s objective is to raise funds and organise events in support of the school and to bring together members of local community for the benefit of pupils of St Peter and St Paul’s Primary School.

We are a warm and friendly, passionate group and are always grateful and welcome of any help we can get. (Volunteers always welcome!)


School Friends Club has a Face book page to promote and share activities and events in the community.


Please visit our page and give us the” thumbs up” and tell your friends to like us too!

SFC have kindly provided Father Christmas with his selection boxes

Santa Dash

A little peak of some of our activities for Sponsored Santa Dash Monday 2nd Dec. Children will all be given a Santa hat to keep - please return sponsor forms and money to school thank you

End of Year Disco

Non-Uniform Letter

SFC Newsletter & dates for your diary

Sponsored Bounce

Newsletter 2024

Pop Up Sweet Stall

AGM Meeting 9th November @17.45

Drinks and Freezepop Friday

Disco Fever at St Peter and St Paul’s

Reminder: Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 children need to be brought by one adult only due to space, unfortunately there is not enough room for siblings, if you could please arrange child care. Thank you


Items for Spring Fair on Non uniform Day

Spring Fair Raffle 2023

Quiz Night this Friday - text or call into school for tickets

Please help Rishton St Peter and St Paul's CE Primary School - Blackburn by signing up to support us for FREE on #easyfundraising. You can raise donations whenever you shop online with over 7,000 brands including John Lewis & Partners, eBay, Argos, M&S and more. Plus, once you've raised your first £5, easyfundraising will double it! Sign up today - it will make a BIG difference to us this year:

Sponsored Bounce

Children have enjoyed bouncing their way into a new week whilst raising money for new books for our school library. Thank you to everyone who has sponsored this event.

Newsletter January 2023

SFC Newsletter with dates for year

AGM meeting in school 6.30pm 14th November

SFC Fashion Show

Visit Our School
