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St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

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St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

Year 4 - Mrs Morrison

Author Visit Letter 16th January 2025





Hello, I am Mrs Morrison and I am thrilled to be the Year 4 teacher.  Mrs Sharrock will be supporting learning in class and we are both looking forward to an enjoyable and successful year at St Peter and St Paul’s Primary School.


If you explore this page, you will find lots of photographs and details about what we have been up to as well as important day to day information.


If there is ever anything you would like to ask, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


Reading in School:

Reading will take place daily. This will be in the form of class guided reading alongside reading in smaller groups. Children will also have regular opportunities to read aloud in English lessons and read for pleasure during the day.


Home reading is very important. Please encourage your child to read a few pages of their home reading book each night. Books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday.



Homework tasks are to be completed in the homework booklet. Each half term, a new booklet will be sent home. It will contain an English activity and a Mathematics activity for each week. The children are expected to complete these activities over the half term and return them to school during the last week of the half term. 


Children will focus on a different times table each week, which they will focus on in class but it would also be helpful if they could practise this times table at home. Once it is seemed appropriate, they will have a quick times table test each Friday to help build stamina and confidence. 


I appreciate your support in helping the children complete the tasks set.




Children will have PE  on a Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school.

PE kit consists of:

  • White T-shirt
  • Black Shorts
  • Pumps



Please ensure all uniform and PE kit is labelled, as it is very easy to misplace it when moving around class and around school.


Water Bottles:

Your child will need to bring a bottle with their name written on, filled with fresh water each day as our classroom often gets quite warm and it is important to stay hydrated.

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