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St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

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School Logo

St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

Admissions into School

Church Attendance

We welcome children of all faiths or no faith at all. If you do go to church, this can place families higher up on the ranking list as per the criteria within our admissions policy.  In case we have more than 30 applications which is our published admissions number, we would recommend that you complete the supplementary church form and return this directly to school when you apply. We will then forward the form to your vicar for confirmation.



What does it mean to be a Church School?

How to apply for a place in our school

In Year Admissions Form (year 1 to year 6 places)

If you are applying for a place for September 2025

Information for Parents 2024

Our Admissions Policy (above) provides detailed information about applying for a place in our school and our admissions criteria. Included in the policy is the supplementary form for church attendance.


Reception places are applied for directy with Lancashire County Council (see link below) Please return the church supplementary form directly to school so that we can forward to your church.


In -Year Admissions - Occasionally, families may need a school place at a different time to when children first start in Reception and these are known as in-year admissions, which are administered by our Governing Body. Information about this can be found in the Admissions Policy.


If you want to apply for a place in our school outside of the normal September start time for a Reception child, please ring 01254 884522 or email to arrange a visit and for an in-year application form (copy of this is below) If there is a place available, the governors will arrange for the admission to take place.


If we do not have places available, the Governing Body aims to inform parents of the outcome of their application within 10 days (and no longer than 15 school days).  The reason for this will be provided along with information about how to appeal. Appeals for children moving into the area will not be considered until there is evidence of a permanent address e.g. exchange of contracts or tenancy agreement with rent


Timetable for Appeals -

Should families wish to appeal, this must be submitted in writing within 20 days from the date you were notified that your application was unsuccessful. Please include any evidence you wish the appeal panel to take into account.

Families will be provided with at least 10 school days' notice of the appeal hearing.

Decision of the appeal will be sent within 5 school days of the hearing wherever possible.


If you wish to make an appeal for a place in Reception for 2023 the deadline for submitting your request is 17th May 2023


An appeals officer will be in touch with you before the hearing date and will provide full details.


Appeal hearings for Hyndburn Voluntary Aided schools will be held 26th to 30th June 2023


Please use the link below for direct information about Lancashire appeals - if you are applying for a place in Reception please see the criteria in the information and carefully consider if you meet this.


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