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St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

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School Logo

St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

Year 1 - Miss Britnell

Welcome to Year 1




Hello I am Miss Britnell, and I have the great privilege of teaching Year 1 

Home reading is very important, please encourage your child to read a few pages each night. Reading books are changed every Monday and Thursday. 

Phonics sessions take place daily and all children are working within a certain phase. The reading books  the children take home relate to  the phase they are currently at and are  therefore  decodable. There are lots of online phonic resources you can use to practice decoding and blending.

P.E. is on Monday with me  and Thursday with Mr Ferguson, please make sure earrings are removed. P.E kits will be sent home at the end of each half term to be washed and returned.


Outdoor Learning Please ensure that all children have waterproofs and wellies in school. 


If you are unsure of anything or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Our prayers

In Year 1 we encourage children to think about why we pray and how we would like God to respond and show he is listening. The children regularly write their own prayers which they add to our class prayer box. 

Here is a prayer written by one of our children in Year 1

Dear God,

I promise to be good and be the best I can be.

Will you help lead me each day.


Our lunchtime prayer 

Our hands together

our heads we bow

for food and drink

we thank God now.


Our end of day prayer

At the end of the day

we stop and say,

thank you for our beautiful day.

We have worked hard,

and tried our best.

Please God help us

sleep and rest.


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