Website Links
NASA Navigate to the NASA Kids’ Club area, for space focused games, videos, images and activities to introduce and help children learn about the world of space.
Natural History Museum Bringing Science lessons to life!
WOW Science A website full of games, videos and experiment ideas that you can try out at home.
BBC Bitesize Hosts a wealth of games and activities split into age and topic sections so it’s easy to find one that relates to your child’s learning at school.
National Geographic Kids Nat Geo Kids enables science lovers to explore the world of science through a collection of apps, games, magazines, toys, videos, and many other materials
Sublime Science 101 fun science experiments you can do at home with 'stuff' you've already got
Maddie Moate The popular children's television presenter has her own YouTube channel and is delivering a daily science lesson "Let's Go Live with Maddie & Greg". Her channel has a wealth of educational videos.
Woodland Trust 10 nature activities for children to do at home.
Marvin & Milo Lots of simple & exciting mini experiments to explore physics.
Science Kids Science Kids is the online home of science & technology for children around the world.
Brain Pop How does the world work?