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St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

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St Peter and St Paul's

Church of England Primary School

Rooted and Grounded in Love

Year 3 - Mrs Bradshaw

Welcome to Year Three

A big welcome back from Mrs. Bradshaw your class teacher and a warm welcome from Mrs. Astbury and Mrs Crossley our class teaching assistants; we are so excited to be teaching your child this year. Mr. Ferguson will take the children for PE.

I hope that this provides you with some useful information about school life, you will find further details in the Welcome Booklet, above on our Class Page.


Useful Information

Breakfast Club is available from 7.30am – children need to be handed over to staff at the hall door to ensure safe arrival as registers are not completed in class until 8.55am.


Children need to arrive between 8.50am – 8:55am so that everyone is not arriving at the same time. Children are not allowed on the playground unsupervised before 8.50am.

School finishes at 3.20pm.

Please inform family members to park away from Arundel Street as it is dangerous when cars drive down this street at the start/end of the day. For safety, the school car park is only for staff use.

 Please remember to follow the one-way paths when entering and leaving school premises. The Year 3 children will leave through the KS2 doors.

Please make sure that someone is here to collect your child on time at 3.20pm as children can become unsettled if they are left waiting. If you have children in other classes, please collect infant children first. Children are to be collected from the same door as the morning.


Uniform - Please remember to label all items of clothing clearly to make it easier to return any lost items. We need to be able to read the names easily if we are to get them back to you.

School Bags - Please do not bring any bags other than the red school reading book bag which can be easily stored in class.

Waterproof Pants and Wellingtons - We encourage all children to have a pair of waterproof pants and wellingtons (with a small bag to put them in) to keep in school. The children will often take part in outdoor learning activities and wet playtimes.

Earrings It is better if children do not wear earrings for school but if they choose to please make sure they are plain small studs. These need to be removed (at home) on Tuesdays and Thursdays for PE as they cannot be covered over. Please also note that earrings should not be worn for swimming, children will not be permitted in to the pool, if they are wearing earrings. 

Water Bottles - Please send in a water bottle with a sports top rather than a lid that unscrews. As we are a Healthy School, children are only allowed to drink plain water during lesson time (juice or flavoured water are only allowed in lunch boxes). Water bottles will be sent home each day so that they can be washed out and refilled.

Dinner Money – The cost of school dinners is £2.50 per day which should be paid online. If children bring packed lunches, they do have the option of having a school lunch on Fridays for Family Favourites and this can be booked online.


Snack – Children are allowed to bring a piece of fruit for morning snack. These are no longer provided in Key Stage 2 and need to brought from home. 


Reading BooksPlease ensure these are in bags on the days we change which are Mondays and Fridays.

It is very important that children practice their reading skills at home by reading to an adult on a regular basis. This should include asking children about what they have read to develop their comprehension skills. Ideally, this needs to be for a few minutes each day. Please sign reading records to show that your child has read and when the book has been finished and is ready for changing.

Homework – Homework booklets are given out at the start at each half term and are also available on the website under our class section. It includes a weekly spelling challenge which will identify a particular spelling pattern/skill to learn each week. This will be introduced to the children in class on a Monday. It also includes a short Maths activity that fits in with what we have been doing in class that week.

Mobile phones - Children are not allowed phones in school unless parents have filled in a form requesting that they need one because they walk home on their own.

Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays  Pupils will need a full PE kit in school at all times. Children will bring home kits at the end of each month to be washed. It is important that these are returned to school or children will be unable to take part in the lesson. 

Swimming Lessons -We will be taking the Year 3 children swimming, and this will hopefully start in January 2025. Swimming usually takes place on a Thursday morning. We ask that all children are in school by 8:45am, ready to leave promptly at 8:55 am. 


We look forward to teaching you this year.


Mrs Bradshaw, Mrs Astbury and Mrs Crossley

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