Class gallery of 2023-24
Fire safety talk with Lancashire Fire and Rescue

Language of position in maths

Spring term one
Our learning this half term focuses on the geography unit, ‘An Island Home’, which will teach us about the seven continents of the world and a some of the different islands around the world. We will use geography skills to read maps and locate places using globes and atlases and will enjoy making comparisons to the area in which we live. Our English learning will begin with us looking at stories by the same author: Julia Donaldson and looking at her website that tells us about her achievements as an author. In science, we will learn about living things and their habitats and as artists, we will look at indigenous art from Australia.
Our class rap for doubling consonant

What sort of an island is Ireland?
The five oceans of the world

Autumn term 2 week 2: composition of music to match events of ‘The Great Fire of London’


