Class gallery 2024/25
Spring term 1
Islands of Adventure
It has been an exciting start this week as we launched the new Geography theme by looking at what items Mrs Clitheroe had in the suitcase. There were some interesting bits from different parts of the world and we had to try and figure where they were from. We enjoyed finding out about the 7 continents of the world and singing a song together. We also tried to figure out what the wooden item was...we had some great suggestions that made us laugh, and then we worked out it was a musical instrument named a didgeridoo. Mrs Clitheroe wasn’t any good at playing the didgeridoo but we watched and listened to a musician play one in Australia. Over this term, we will learn about the five oceans and then various islands around the world. In art, we will look at indigenous art work from Australia and in music, we will learn a great new song called, ‘ I wanna play in a band’...who knows...our band may need a didgeridoo player! In English, we will look at a wonderful book called The Paper Dolls, by Julia Donaldson and look at many of her other stories, too. Our maths learning will start with us learning more about money and in science we will learn about living things and their habitats.

Leading worship on the baptism of Jesus

Autumn term 2: Fire! Fire!
Welcome to another exciting half-term, where will learn all about the Great fire of London and the significant events associated with it. We will enjoy role play to re-enact the various events that led up to the fire and the days that followed; along with playing the roles of Thomas Farrinor and Samuel Pepys. Additionally, In English, we will enjoy the short story of Toby and the Great Fire of London by Margaret Nash and use it as a base to create our own version of the story. In maths, we will look at adidtion and subtraction and continue our science learning based on animals, including humans. We will enjoy rehearsing for our upcoming nativity and also enjoy other music skills composing music to match the story of the Great Fire. Our class page and photo gallery will be updated on a regular basis.
Great Fire launch

Autumn term 1: Our United Kingdom!
Our focus over the half term will be based on finding out about the different countries that belong to the United Kingdom. We will use maps, globes and atlases to locate various parts of the UK and learn about the capital cities of each country that belongs to it. In English, we will look at traditional tales with a twist and classic poetry: focussing on The Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear. In maths, will consolidate our understanding of place value and start looking at addition and subtraction. We will be learning about animals, including humans, in our science learning and will update the gallery pages with photographs of our learning.















